Book Reviews & Blurbs



"Kendrick's book was enjoyable and contains enough complexity to keep the reader involved... drugs, death, guilt and the assorted emotions and consequences… Low-key romance and travels to various Europeans cities give the story a distinctive slant… Take time for a run over same to St. Abient and find out what's going on."

— Pat Williams, Book Critic for The Courier

"St. Abient Run is a suspense, strife with political, moral and religious undertones. Susan and Mark are thrown into an international web of deceit where no one is beyond suspicion, not even each other. Just when we think we have it all figured out, another strand is added to keep us turning the pages of this exciting and uplifting reading."

– Jacqueline Pelham, Author of Under The Rose and A Promise To Die For

"A captivating, dynamic story that once started doesn't allow the reader to stop… It's heroes come from different layers of society and within state borders me nothing."

– Joseph P. Dimitriov, Academic Dean, Evangelical Theological Institute, Sophia Bulgaria

"Those who have either visited the Balkans or spent their lives working at this most interesting crossroads, will find this intriguing book fascinating from both the historic, cultural as well as sociopolitical point of view. The author has clearly spent a long time in Europe to be able to paint the Balkan scenery and drama with such accuracy!"

— Paul H. Popov, President Door of Hope International

"Don't get too comfortable if, like me, you think you know where this story is heading. In fact, I was still changing course well into what seemed to be the climax.  In a plot as taught as a piano wire, Kendrick shifts to molto cresendo to make averting an international tragedy super-humanly impossible by any average person. It can't be done! Oh no??"

— Dr. Guida Jackson, Author of Passing Through, Woman Who Ruled and other books

"It's difficult to come up for air in this intriguing fast moving spy novel. With his twist and turns, it's remarkable how Kendrick ties up loose ends to give us a satisfying conclusion. She knows CIA lingo, gives a good sense of  Paris, and other European locations, and is great at plotting. Her writing is thought-provoking and visual. I enjoyed the family-oriented protagonist, adroit in her quest to save  cities from terrorist's annihilation. "

– Jacqueline Pelham, Author of Under The Rose, A Promise To Die For and other published works

"Readers who enjoy novels of complex international intrigue with many unexpected twists will love Jeana Kendrick's The Paris Conspiracy."

– Donn Taylor, Author of The Lazarus File, Lightning on the Quiet Night, etc.